Painted on canvas with acrylics, this piece is based on Grewingk Glacier, just across Kachemak Bay from Homer Alaska.
Alaskan Playground 2
Painted on canvas with acrylics, this piece is based on Grewingk Glacier, just across Kachemak Bay from Homer Alaska.
Bears Everywhere
An Art piece based on Lake Clark National Park, Alaska. Woodburning on bass wood, painted with acrylics.
Bears Everywhere Close up 5
A mother bear resting peacefully with her playful cub after nursing.
Bears Everywhere Close up 6
A bear digging up clams at low tide with a bold seagull waiting for scraps.
Bears Everywhere Close up 7
A curious bear standing tall on the rocks, with several bears in the grass doing various things.
Bears Everywhere Close up 8
Two young bears playing aggressively on the mud at low tide.
Golden Sunset
This painting is based on a fall sunset in Homer Alaska. It’s intended to highlight the clouds brilliance, and warmth of the moment.
Golden Sunset 2
A close-up image of the small fire on the beach.
Golden Sunset 3
A close-up image of the beach and ocean.
Golden Sunset 4
A close-up image of the pink clouds and unique sky.
Garden Art
An image of my annual garden photo will be available on canvas soon.
Trout Mural
This mural features a rainbow trout, brown trout, nymphs, cased caddice, green drake, flies, and more. It’s painted on the east side of a fly shop on the pearl street mall in Boulder Colorado.
Trout Mural 2
This piece is painted with acrylics on the exterior wall, it’s finished with several clear coats and a UV protectant coating.
Trout Mural 3
A close-up image of the brown trout and the green drake fly.
Trout Mural 4
A close-up image of the rainbow trout, and the beaded royal humpy fly.
Rainbow Trout
This carving is in blue pine wood and painted with acrylics.
Greenback Cutthroat Trout Mural
Colorado state fish, located on the pearl street mall in Boulder Colorado.
Greenback Cutthroat Trout Mural 2
A close-up image of the greenback on the west side of the building.
Spanish Mural
This mural was painted with acrylics inside the Triana Spanish restaurant circa 2005. Located on the historic Pearl street mall in Boulder Colorado, it has changed hands and has since been painted over.
Spanish Mural 2
The unfinished mural before the painted frame, with playful me to give you a sense of the scale.