This sculpture is a tribute to female beauty, strength, grace, and energy. It is based on “The Birth of Venus” a painting by Botticelli. It includes: basswood, found wood, abalone shells, a glass fishing float, and a built-in led light. (light off)
Venus 2
Venus sculpture with the (light on). The led light was carefully built-in to illuminate the carving from the large abalone shell. It also lights up the glass float and the natural curves of the wood from the back of the shell.
Venus 3
The Venus sculpture in darkness displayed on a white wall. This image demonstrates the way this sculpture uniquely illuminates the surrounding wall space.
Venus Carving 1
A close-up image of the Venus carving in basswood.
Venus Carving 2
A close-up image of the Venus carving in basswood.
Venus Carving 3
A close-up image of the Venus carving in basswood.
This sculpture features mesquite wood, cedarwood, abalone shell, mother of pearl, and a rotating base. It began under the instruction of Chris White.
Flow 2
Rotation of the sculpture.
Flow 3
Rotation of the sculpture, notice the flowing voids in the fish.
Flow 4
Rotation of the sculpture.
Flow 5
Rotation of the sculpture.
Flow 6
On display in one of my Art shows, this image highlights the inlaid abalone and mother of pearl.
Elk Carving Framed in Driftwood w/ LED light (light on)
This elk is carved in alder wood and painted with acrylics. It’s framed with driftwood and a built-in led light. (Light on)
Elk Carving Framed in Driftwood w/ LED (light off)
This elk is carved in alder wood and painted with acrylics. It’s framed with driftwood and a built-in led light. (Light on)
Five Trout With Mayflies
This carving is in a redwood burl slab. It features a brown trout, greenback cutthroat, brook trout, rainbow trout, Yellowstone cutthroat, mayflies, and nymphs. It is one solid piece, painted with acrylics, and hangs on the wall.
Five Trout with Mayflies 2
This image highlights the texture and shine of this red wood carving.
Mounted Fish
This wall sculpture features a solid basswood fish, driftwood, and a birds-eye maple background.
Mounted Fish 2
An image from another angle highlights the texture, shine, and space.
Fly Fishing Game Fish
This carving features a fly fisherman, brown trout, rainbow trout, yellow perch, bluegill, northern pike, bass, and a mosquito. Carved in alder wood and painted with acrylics.
Fly Fishing Game Fish 2
This carving features a single piece of driftwood with a built-in led light.